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David C. Parsons, DDS Blog

3 Questions to Ask At your Cosmetic Dental Consultation

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 8:00 pm
Patient talking to their dentist

Cosmetic dentistry allows your dentist to completely transform the look of your smile, fixing any of a wide variety of cosmetic flaws that you might be dealing with. However, the field is so expansive that it can be hard for the average person to navigate.

The best part of a cosmetic dental consultation is being able to get a sense of your dentist and what they’re capable of. If you have one coming up, however, you might not know what questions would be best to ask. If you’re curious, here are some you should probably consider.


4 Gum Disease Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 3:38 pm
a woman showing symptoms of gum disease in Winfield

Have you started noticing any swelling or redness in your gums? If so, this may be an indication of gum disease. This is fairly common, as about half of Americans older than 30 are struggling with this condition. That said, with so many misconceptions roaming about the internet, it can be challenging to know what to believe about this situation. Read on to learn about four common gum disease myths and why they simply aren’t true.


Here’s How to Take Care of Your Teeth in the New Year

December 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 8:17 pm
A young woman with a beautiful smile brushing her teeth

The new year is the perfect time to commit to something new. Taking on a new challenge is admirable, and the best way to follow through is to consider carefully what it is you want to do.

If you’re looking for something to try this year, improving your dental hygiene is a great resolution to make. Better oral hygiene can make you look good, feel good, and is possible for anyone. If you want to know where to get started, here’s a guide that might help.


Dental Implant Success: 3 Ways It’s Apparent

October 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 9:30 pm
dentist talking about dental implant success with patient

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement method that replaces both the roots and the crown of a missing tooth. These small screws are inserted through the gums and into the jawbone, which makes them a permanent solution. Dental implants are durable and easy to care for as long as you eat a dentist-approved diet, make biannual appointments for checkups and cleanings, and practice good oral hygiene. If you have or are considering getting these restorations, read on to learn about three ways that dental implant success can benefit your smile.


What Does Your Dental Insurance Plan Cover?

September 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 12:58 pm
What procedures will your dental insurance help pay for? Here’s a basic outline of what you can usually expect from your coverage.

With a good dental insurance plan, you’ll have a much easier time fitting your family’s oral health care into your budget. But exactly what kind of procedures will your insurance help pay for? The exact answer can vary from plan to plan, but many of them do follow a similar structure. Below is a basic outline of the coverage you can expect from the average dental plan.


How to Eat Healthy While on a Soft-Food Diet

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 11:59 pm
Scrambled eggs

Do you have temporary veneers or crowns? Have you recently undergone oral surgery? If you need to stick to a soft-food diet for one reason or another, it may seem challenging to put together a meal plan for the week when you have to eliminate many of your favorite ingredients. Fortunately, just because you need to stick to softer foods doesn’t mean you can’t have a nutritious diet. Here are ideas for the time being.


3 Dental Hygiene Tips for Seniors

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 7:00 am
A senior man caring for his dental hygiene

Once you’ve reached your senior years, you might think you deserve some slack on oral care. After all, you’ve worked hard to protect your teeth! Surely you deserve a break at this point? However, the truth is that advanced age increases your risk for specific dental issues. That said, it’s even more important for the elderly to practice good dental hygiene. For more help on the matter, here’s a summary of oral concerns for aging adults and three senior-friendly dental hygiene tips.


Can I Get Invisalign If I Have Dental Crowns, Bridges, or Veneers?

April 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 11:03 pm
Transparent orthodontic retainers.

If there are a lot of things you’d like to do to enhance your smile, you aren’t alone—dental restorations are becoming increasingly popular, and many patients these days are turning towards solutions like veneers, crowns, bridges, and even Invisalign to boost the confidence behind their smile. But maybe you’re staring into your bathroom mirror and noticing your mouth is already filled with various projects. You’ve already gotten crowns, bridges, and veneers to enhance your smile—can you get Invisalign as well?

If you’re wearing crowns, bridges, or veneers and are thinking about adding Invisalign, you’re in luck—they can all work well in tandem.


What Are the Benefits of Traditional Braces?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 11:54 pm
teen with metal braces

It seems like there are more options to straighten your teeth with each passing year, so selecting the option that suits you best can be challenging. Even as clear braces are gaining in popularity, traditional braces still have their own benefits. As you consider your method of treatment, read on to hear from your dentist in Winfield about when traditional, metal braces are still the optimal choice for a straighter smile.


5 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

December 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — davidparsons @ 9:06 pm
child getting dental work done with help of sedation dentistry

Dental sedation is the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Though it’s often used for those who suffer from dental fear or anxiety so they can receive the treatment they need without feeling unsafe or on edge, sedation dentistry offers a variety of other benefits. Read on to learn about five ways dental sedation can benefit patients and make their visits to the dentist more pleasant.

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