About Our Dental Office – Winfield, KS
Compassionate Dentistry with
a Small-Town Feel
Dr. David Parsons and our trusted team of professionals are proud to offer dentistry that’s truly reflective of Winfield. We care about everyone who comes to see us and spend extra time to get to know our patients, whether they’re visiting us for a checkup and cleaning or a consultation for a more complex treatment, like dental implants. Even though we offer old-school service, our dental office is equipped with the latest technology in the dental field, and we provide trustworthy, attentive care to patients of all ages.
Locally Owned Since 1954

Our dental office is nearly as historical as the building we’re located in! Established in 1954 by Dr. Parsons’ father, our dental office has been providing constant and reliable dentistry to the community for decades. We’re proud to be a trusted member of Winfield, and we’re grateful to be taking care of generations of families at a time. When you enter our dental office, you’ll see historical photos of Winfield’s Carnegie Library, which was once located in the building that we’re in, and truly get a feel for how rooted and connected to our community we are.
Old-School Service

Our dental office was established on principle values of providing caring, compassionate, and trustworthy dentistry. Whenever our patients call, we’ll do our best to be there for them. In fact, we take after-hours appointments for our regular patients and make sure that any questions that our patients have get answered by the time they leave our dental office. With us, you can count on receiving that trusted, old-school customer service that has become a rare trait in modern dental offices.